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Sakura Grade Cherry Shrimp

Sakura Grade Cherry Shrimp

Regular price $16.95 USD
Regular price $20.00 USD Sale price $16.95 USD
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Sakura Grade Cherry Shrimp for Sale 

Searching for Cherry Shrimp for sale? These beautiful, red-colored shrimp will stand out and look great in your tank. These shrimp are Sakura Grade which are more translucent compared to the Fire Grade Cherry shrimp we carry. They are however, still a beautiful shrimp to have in any tank.

Cherry Shrimp are graded based on their color density, and the females tend to be larger and more colorful. The scale, ranging from lowest to highest grade, goes as follows:

  • Cherry Shrimp 
  • Sakura Cherry Shrimp
  • Fire Red Shrimp
  • Painted Fire Red Shrimp

The Cherry Shrimp is a dwarf freshwater shrimp native to Taiwan. Due to their original habitat, these shrimp thrive in planted tanks with a variety of shelter options and hiding spots. Our Aquarium Plant Variety Packs can help you create the ideal environment for your shrimp.

Cherry Shrimp require very little feeding as long as your tank contains enough algae, biofilm, or decaying plant matter. We recommend feeding every other day with high-quality shrimp food.

Great for planted and community tanks, you can place your peaceful and friendly Cherry Shrimp with mates like Neon Tetras, Kuhli Loaches, Corydoras, and other dwarf shrimp.

Our Cherry Shrimp are shipped as young adults at a size of around 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch in length. 

Sakura Cherry Shrimp Breeder Pack

We created the breeder packs to ensure that hobbyist will have the ideal ratio to start a breeding colony. The Breeder pack will consist of 7 female and 3 male shrimp. For a total of 10 shrimp.

While the 5 packs and 10 packs are random scoops from our tanks and will not guarantee a specific male to female ratio.

Our Cherry Shrimp Tank Water Parameters

  • PH: 7.0-7.2
  • GH: 7-8
  • KH: 3-4
  • TDS: 200-250
  • Cherry Shrimp Temperature for tank: 68F-74F

Buy Cherry Shrimp or browse our other freshwater shrimp. For Cherry Shrimp care tips, check out our Guide to Freshwater Shrimp Care

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