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Cryptocoryne 'Tropica'

Cryptocoryne 'Tropica'

Regular price $7.95 USD
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Cryptocoryne 'Tropica' is a morph of Crypt Wendtii and do not require CO2 and will do well in low to medium light aquariums. This crypt is a relatively slow growing plant and they propagate by sending out baby plants as runners. Cryptocoryne 'Tropica' is different from the red variant as it produces bronze crinkled leaves when grown submerged. This Crypt is a medium-size crypt which makes it a great choice for a midground plant in any aquascape. 

The stock photos shows the emersed version of this Crypt and the submerged version of this Crypt. This Crypt will be sold as a emersed version of the plant and it will convert to the submerged version overtime in you tank. 

Skill Level: Easy

Light: Low to Medium Light

Requires CO2: No

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