Shrimpy Business Blog

Rainbow Fish Care Essentials: Creating the Perf...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Melanotaenia praecox Common Names: Dwarf neon rainbowfish Size: Up to 3 inches Lifespan: 3-5...
Rainbow Fish Care Essentials: Creating the Perf...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Melanotaenia praecox Common Names: Dwarf neon rainbowfish Size: Up to 3 inches Lifespan: 3-5...

Golden Wonder Killifish Care & Breeding Made Ea...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Aplocheilus lineatus Common Names: Golden wonder killifish, striped panchax Size: 3-4 inches Lifespan: 3-5...
Golden Wonder Killifish Care & Breeding Made Ea...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Aplocheilus lineatus Common Names: Golden wonder killifish, striped panchax Size: 3-4 inches Lifespan: 3-5...

Myth or Fact: Do Bristlenose Catfish Eat Other ...
Bristlenose catfish, sometimes called bristlenose plecos or bushynose plecos, are popular bottom-feeders for freshwater aquariums. These beautiful fish make excellent additions to an aquarium cleanup crew, but how well do...
Myth or Fact: Do Bristlenose Catfish Eat Other ...
Bristlenose catfish, sometimes called bristlenose plecos or bushynose plecos, are popular bottom-feeders for freshwater aquariums. These beautiful fish make excellent additions to an aquarium cleanup crew, but how well do...

Royal Farlowella Whiptail Catfish: Appearance, ...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Sturisoma panamense Common Names: Royal Farlowella, Whiptail Catfish Size: 5-8 inches Lifespan: Up to...
Royal Farlowella Whiptail Catfish: Appearance, ...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Sturisoma panamense Common Names: Royal Farlowella, Whiptail Catfish Size: 5-8 inches Lifespan: Up to...

How Big Do Pygmy Corydoras Get? A Comprehensive...
Species Snapshot Common Names: Pygmy Corydoras, pygmy catfish Species Names: Corydoras pygmaeus Size: Up to 1 inch Lifespan:...
How Big Do Pygmy Corydoras Get? A Comprehensive...
Species Snapshot Common Names: Pygmy Corydoras, pygmy catfish Species Names: Corydoras pygmaeus Size: Up to 1 inch Lifespan:...

Pea Puffer Care Guide: Care, Diet, Breeding & L...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Carinotetraodon travancoricus Common Names: pea puffer, dwarf pufferfish, Indian dwarf puffer, pygmy puffer Size: Up to 1...
Pea Puffer Care Guide: Care, Diet, Breeding & L...
Species Snapshot Species Name: Carinotetraodon travancoricus Common Names: pea puffer, dwarf pufferfish, Indian dwarf puffer, pygmy puffer Size: Up to 1...